Global Awareness Technology Project
Links to support research for the Global Awareness Technology Project
Fairfax County GATP Resources(Link)
Ancient Africa
Ancient Greece
Ancient China
History for Kids - China
All About China - Enchanted
Ancient China - British Museum
Ancient China - Mr.
Ancient India
The Ancient Indus Civilization
Around the Indus in 90 Slides
Timeline of India
Indus Valley
Ancient India
India: History
Indus Valley
The Indus Valley and Hindus
Ancient Rome
The Romans
History for Kids: Ancient Rome
Ancient Rome: Mr. Donn's Lessons & Activities
Pompeii: Unraveling Ancient Mysteries
Ancient World's The Roman World
An Introduction to Ancient Rome
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook: Rome
Rome Project
Mesopotamia (Fertile Crescent)
Daily Life in Mesopotamia
Babylonia: Country, Language, Religion, Culture
The Fertile Crescent
Collapse: Why Do Civilizations Fail?
Mesopotamia and the City of Sumeria ,
The Fall of Mesopotamia
World History: Who Are the Hebrews?
Ancient Mesopotamia
Clip Art